A very negative guy I associate with who is a wanna-be JW, tells me how this life is about suffering and dwells upon negativity almost constantly. He drags a dark cloud around with him and likes to refer to scriptural accounts that basically depress.
Well, I was sitting on the loo this morning (my throne of reason) thinking about this chap and also reflecting upon my own knowledge of the Christian faith and I recalled Galatians chapter 5 which we all know refers to the fruits of the spirit.
If you believe in spirit and are carried by it then the fruits are supposed to be:
Love - Joy - Peace - Patience - Goodness - Kindness - Faithfulness - Gentleness - Self Control.
To me, those qualities portray a certain mentality and approach to life and while the Christian is mindful of future hopes, surely the point is to put these qualities into action now and stop being so flippin' miserable about the state of the world and get on with enoying life.
I may have to have a quiet word with my friend.
There is nothing wrong at all with enjoying aspects of this life now!